My Story

Hi! My name is Dylan and I am the founder and CEO of The PongPro.

When I was in high school I took a trip to visit my sister at college and all I wanted was to see what a college party is really like.

The experience was amazing and after visiting, I couldn't wait to go myself. One thing that really stuck with me was how popular beer pong was. From the players to the spectators, everyone was having a blast and the vibe was absolutely electric.

I knew I needed to get in on the action and wanted a way to practice so when I got home, I began brainstorming and found the perfect solution. And that's how The PongPro was born.

After I created the first prototype, I found myself playing with it constantly and realized how much fun it was. I started creating games to challenge myself and improve my accuracy but eventually started to come up with games to play against others. 

From the reactions I was getting while playing these games against friends and family, I knew The PongPro needed to be shared with the world, and decided to take the leap.

I truly hope you enjoy!